I've seen some awesome remixes and tributes on Youtube but honestly I saw this one today and it just blew me away.
Many thanks and kudos to AinSophAur33 for not only making the video but composing the music and mixing it together. Most epic.
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Friday, August 14, 2009
Hey Guys
I'm sorry if it seems like I'm causing a panic here. I'm not trying to cause mass histeria or a mob mentality here. Just trying to keep everything updated. Honestly at the end of the day it is just a YT account and while it does suck that it is unjustly taken down worst come to worse we build up another or find another site to host. The series is going to continue and we are grateful for everyone's concern and efforts. If we do get the account back then HUZZAH if not then well.. like I said before damn shame but we will rebuild.
Thank you to everyone one of our diehard fans. keep being awesome ^^v
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
Thank you to everyone one of our diehard fans. keep being awesome ^^v
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Nice Support
Gotta love the fans heh.
I knew that the suspension of TeamFourStar was going to cause some commotion but then I noticed this video by Piratekid1111
At first I found it hard to believe but then I searched it myself and I believe I made it to around page 13 before the stream of "Bring Back TFS" videos was interrupted by another.
Thanks for all of your support guys we love you :)
Link to Download said "Bring Back TFS" Video
Special thanks to WeeklyTubeShow whom I believe to be the originator of this video. Correct me if I am wrong :)
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
I knew that the suspension of TeamFourStar was going to cause some commotion but then I noticed this video by Piratekid1111
At first I found it hard to believe but then I searched it myself and I believe I made it to around page 13 before the stream of "Bring Back TFS" videos was interrupted by another.
Thanks for all of your support guys we love you :)
Link to Download said "Bring Back TFS" Video
Special thanks to WeeklyTubeShow whom I believe to be the originator of this video. Correct me if I am wrong :)
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
In the meanwhile
Anyone who still wants to get their fix of TFS DBZ Abridged many of our awesome fans have already reuploaded our episodes this guy in particular uploaded all of them and made a play list of all of them just for this event. Thanks CobraCommanderNLD
Play List
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
Play List
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
Well it would appear our culprit has been found. Toei animation.
I just got off the phone with Kaiser he checked his Email and as I had suspected Toei was the one behind this.
I really wish the Japanese companies would see that we are in fact doing them no harm or disservice by making parodies. As it was when TV Tokyo was pulling everything with any shred of Naruto in it. People do not watch a parody or a music video to replace the actual show its self they watch those for the love of the show and because people put alot of hard work and effort into making them. Parodies are protected under the fair use copy right laws. I do find it amusing that our humble little parody got pulled while full episodes of Dragon Ball Z still sit on Youtube without being touched.
I understand where they are coming from I'm sure they don't even look at what they decide to pull a claim on (or if they did they are pretty ass retarded). They just see something with a property they own getting millions of views and not a dime is going to them... well not a tangible dime anyway.
What they fail to understand (and what funimation seems to understand) is that our parodies actually are a form of advertisement a free advertisement that make people interested to see the actual property itself even buy it. I'm not going to be pompous and say "WE WERE DOING THEM A FAVOR" because really they are capable of advertising for them selves and we made these parodies with out any sort of intention we made them to entertain and have fun our selves. We most definitely aren't going to stop making them.
Well that's about all I know so far. We will try to get in contact with Toei and see where that leads as well as update you on the state of DBZA itself as to what we are going to do with it and where we are posting it.
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
I just got off the phone with Kaiser he checked his Email and as I had suspected Toei was the one behind this.
I really wish the Japanese companies would see that we are in fact doing them no harm or disservice by making parodies. As it was when TV Tokyo was pulling everything with any shred of Naruto in it. People do not watch a parody or a music video to replace the actual show its self they watch those for the love of the show and because people put alot of hard work and effort into making them. Parodies are protected under the fair use copy right laws. I do find it amusing that our humble little parody got pulled while full episodes of Dragon Ball Z still sit on Youtube without being touched.
I understand where they are coming from I'm sure they don't even look at what they decide to pull a claim on (or if they did they are pretty ass retarded). They just see something with a property they own getting millions of views and not a dime is going to them... well not a tangible dime anyway.
What they fail to understand (and what funimation seems to understand) is that our parodies actually are a form of advertisement a free advertisement that make people interested to see the actual property itself even buy it. I'm not going to be pompous and say "WE WERE DOING THEM A FAVOR" because really they are capable of advertising for them selves and we made these parodies with out any sort of intention we made them to entertain and have fun our selves. We most definitely aren't going to stop making them.
Well that's about all I know so far. We will try to get in contact with Toei and see where that leads as well as update you on the state of DBZA itself as to what we are going to do with it and where we are posting it.
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
Team Four Star
Hell of a night.
Well for the most part yesterday was a good day for me but then I get on my computer late last night and receive a most intriguing message from LittleKuriboh:
[12:58:49 AM] LK says: Hey
[12:59:04 AM] LK says: I'm guessing you're being bombarded with questions regarding the suspension?
[12:59:22 AM] Lando says: which one? (is currently oblivious >.>)
[12:59:29 AM] LK says: TFS' YouTube account... suspended
[12:59:38 AM] LK says: I only just saw
[12:59:54 AM] Lando says: ...wow that's no good
[12:59:57 AM] LK says: Indeed
Really I didn't even know what else to say. The account had only one strike against it and the matter of that fact seemed to be resolved completely with Funimation. So much so to the extent that from reliable soruces we have heard that many people over there actually enjoyed our free little non profit parody. Chris Sabat even promoted us.
Go to 6:08
I haven't been able to get ahold of Kaiser at the moment he would be the one to ask exactly who pulled this on us as it is his Email that was tied to the TeamFourStar account. So at the moment we can only speculate.
Really the real issue here is the guys running Youtube and I guess by extent Google are a bunch of cowards. I mean it makes sense, when you are a multibillion dollar corporation anyone and their mother is going to want a peice of that money one way or another through a lawsuit or something, but that doesn't mean they just have to roll over and get butt-F*cked over every demand a company makes. I still remember all that shit with viacom it was rediculous. What I'm saying is Youtube should give atleast a little big of warning to an account before ripping it down completely hell even give the owner of the account in question a chance to contact the company making the claim.
Though not much can be done right now, I will try to keep you guys updated.
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
Well for the most part yesterday was a good day for me but then I get on my computer late last night and receive a most intriguing message from LittleKuriboh:
[12:58:49 AM] LK says: Hey
[12:59:04 AM] LK says: I'm guessing you're being bombarded with questions regarding the suspension?
[12:59:22 AM] Lando says: which one? (is currently oblivious >.>)
[12:59:29 AM] LK says: TFS' YouTube account... suspended
[12:59:38 AM] LK says: I only just saw
[12:59:54 AM] Lando says: ...wow that's no good
[12:59:57 AM] LK says: Indeed
Really I didn't even know what else to say. The account had only one strike against it and the matter of that fact seemed to be resolved completely with Funimation. So much so to the extent that from reliable soruces we have heard that many people over there actually enjoyed our free little non profit parody. Chris Sabat even promoted us.
Go to 6:08
I haven't been able to get ahold of Kaiser at the moment he would be the one to ask exactly who pulled this on us as it is his Email that was tied to the TeamFourStar account. So at the moment we can only speculate.
Really the real issue here is the guys running Youtube and I guess by extent Google are a bunch of cowards. I mean it makes sense, when you are a multibillion dollar corporation anyone and their mother is going to want a peice of that money one way or another through a lawsuit or something, but that doesn't mean they just have to roll over and get butt-F*cked over every demand a company makes. I still remember all that shit with viacom it was rediculous. What I'm saying is Youtube should give atleast a little big of warning to an account before ripping it down completely hell even give the owner of the account in question a chance to contact the company making the claim.
Though not much can be done right now, I will try to keep you guys updated.
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
Monday, August 3, 2009
Top 15 Syndicated Anime
Because 10 was only enough for a video
This is a list of my personal top 15 Syndicated Anime meaning they were viewable on TV on Network Television.
Easily the first Anime I ever watched on a regular basis. Pokemon was a great adventure story about a boy who strikes out to make the world his bitch. It is a world where humanity capture animals from the wild place them in cramped spaces and make them fight for their amusement and to prove their superiority to each other... I believe Micheal Vick was put away for a few years for something like that.
One Piece

From what I'm told this is the best Shonen anime out today unfortunately the only exposure I had to it was 4kids' desecration of what still looked to be a great series. I still watched it even with the horrible dub and edits and did in fact enjoy it. Were it not for 4kids I'm sure this would be much higher on the list and I may still be watching it today. Unfortunately that is not the case, one of these days I will start watching it again though, once time permits.
Death Note
What's that? An anime starring a psycho with a book that can kill people?... and it's intelligently written?... With plot twists I wont see coming a mile away? Looks good to me. The only thing that keeps this show from breaking past the 13 spot on my list is the fact that well... I just plain got bored of it. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it but my god sometimes it just felt like I was grinding through the episodes just to see how things turned out. Nothing was really making me watch it other than sheer curiosity of the plot. Also if he really didn't want to be caught he may have wanted to make use of that rule in the book that says he can dictate how a person dies i.e. if the guy is in prison "Dude dies at 3:30 via Shank" or just to confuse the shit out of people "Blah blah blah dies by solidified frozen waste dropped from airplane at 5:25" If I had that friggen book I would never be caught..... perhapse that's for the better.

I'll admit it like most Toonami's ad campaign sucked me in I was pretty god damn Narutarded when it first started showing on Cartoon Network even watching that entire friggen 100 Episodes of Naruto Marathon thing they had. It is a good show I can't say it isn't but my god the pacing just killed it. You could have some pretty action packed episodes sometimes but then there are those GOD DAMN FLASHBACKS. Don't even get me started on the 80 or so episodes of filler, I swear watching this show try to catch up to the manga at this point is like watching a snail crawl after a jet.
Fooly Cooly
Easily the most bizzar show on my list but that's why I love it. The first time I watched it I didn't know what to think I enjoyed the hell out of it but was compeletly and utterly confused at the same time. The second time through though I noticed the hidden themes that had elluded me the first time. It was all about the boys journey into becoming a strong willed man (PUBERTY). He struggles to learn who he really is and what compells him to do things the way he does and why he has this black hole in his head. In the end he succeeds where the Eyebrow guy fails and grows into a strong independant man WHO CAN PULL A HUGE DOUBLE NECKED MEGA GUITAR FROM HIS SKULL AND KICK THE SHIT OUT OF GIANT WTF ALIEN THINGS. Yeah it's pretty much the japanese version of The Wonder Years.
Top 10 to be posted soon
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
This is a list of my personal top 15 Syndicated Anime meaning they were viewable on TV on Network Television.

One Piece

From what I'm told this is the best Shonen anime out today unfortunately the only exposure I had to it was 4kids' desecration of what still looked to be a great series. I still watched it even with the horrible dub and edits and did in fact enjoy it. Were it not for 4kids I'm sure this would be much higher on the list and I may still be watching it today. Unfortunately that is not the case, one of these days I will start watching it again though, once time permits.
Death Note


I'll admit it like most Toonami's ad campaign sucked me in I was pretty god damn Narutarded when it first started showing on Cartoon Network even watching that entire friggen 100 Episodes of Naruto Marathon thing they had. It is a good show I can't say it isn't but my god the pacing just killed it. You could have some pretty action packed episodes sometimes but then there are those GOD DAMN FLASHBACKS. Don't even get me started on the 80 or so episodes of filler, I swear watching this show try to catch up to the manga at this point is like watching a snail crawl after a jet.
Fooly Cooly

Easily the most bizzar show on my list but that's why I love it. The first time I watched it I didn't know what to think I enjoyed the hell out of it but was compeletly and utterly confused at the same time. The second time through though I noticed the hidden themes that had elluded me the first time. It was all about the boys journey into becoming a strong willed man (PUBERTY). He struggles to learn who he really is and what compells him to do things the way he does and why he has this black hole in his head. In the end he succeeds where the Eyebrow guy fails and grows into a strong independant man WHO CAN PULL A HUGE DOUBLE NECKED MEGA GUITAR FROM HIS SKULL AND KICK THE SHIT OUT OF GIANT WTF ALIEN THINGS. Yeah it's pretty much the japanese version of The Wonder Years.
Top 10 to be posted soon
Do you enjoy the free entertainment that I provide? Then please donate so that one day maybe I can provide even more with a little bit of a budget :)
All Donations are greatly appreciated ^^v
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