Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Home for Team Four Star?

Hey guys looks like a dedicated fan of ours has done us a great service and set up a website. Kaiser is currently trying to get in contact with them and we are currently considering making this our possible new home.

So mad props to the person in charge of this site. Check it out all of the episodes and FAQs are up :)


  1. i was just on the site a few minutes ago watching the episodes and something told me to check your blog. funny he was ready to give up contacting you guys.

  2. i love how this guy was that dedicated to you guys.i got the banner from that site and im ganna put it up any where i find happy birthday lanipator!!!

  3. Site looks awesome.

    You guys could probably get as the domain. That currently is hosted by somebody and it just redirects to the suspended old account. If you lookup the domain they'd probably give it to you if you guys don't own it already...

  4. "Aw, I brokeded it Vegeta!"
    We overloaded their servers. XD!
    Gonna have to find a fix for that.

  5. Ah, it's back up. Nevermind. XD

  6. Sweet home for TFS. It is a massive improvement from having to see a youtube page with limited customization.

  7. Awesome. <3 I hope this works out for you guys - SO much better than YouTube. YT has yanked a number of my favorite AMVs recently, in addition to you guys' stuff, so I'm developing a severe distaste for them. :/

  8. Actually you could use a bit better a design... a banner shouldn't be that big, and it's sorta made in flash but done in a really sorta quick-setup manner. Like with the fonts and button hit-areas and such... But it'd be cool if you guys got it setup as a permanent spot.

  9. about time you read that message lanipator. jeez i had to spam alot of your guys accounts so i could get you to see it. im sure other fans did the same. im glad you finally saw that
    chaosrynth/ DAI

  10. Great news, but does this mean you guys won't be on
