Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Few New Videos

TFS DBZ Abridged Episode 12

Antfish's Stand Idol
Loved this one. (Aside from being in it) It brought back alot of fond memories from way back in the day when I actually watched the WWF(E).

TFS DBZ Abridged Episode 12 My Thoughts.

YYHA 17 My Thoughts



  1. Lani keep up the good work, love your work, voices, and talent on both YYHA and TFSDBZ

  2. Oooh, gorgeous dog ♥

  3. I agree with Againsttheman ^-^
    I could tell that you guys enjoyed making the TFS ep, I think thats what made it so good (not the the jokes and stuff weren't funny, cause they were).
    I <33 your dog.

  4. Can't wait til' episode 18. Glad to see you're back. Your dog looks so cuddly.

  5. I have to say, Hiei's 'do you think he knows its a circle?' made me laugh really hard. I played it back many times ^^
    And I think your gf will be a great addition to YYHA. Keep up the good work Lani, cant wait for the next ep ^^ x

  6. I just realized that ur korbara voice kinda sounds like shaggy from scooby-doo

  7. YES! Kuwabara is awesome! The only thing in my opinion that was more badass was when he had the fight with Risho, where he gave the whole "Lets win this one clean, like men" bit. but thats just my opinion. good sutff

  8. You know, i really like your mug...i've seen it in a lot of you vids and i cant help but like it...and i always hear thought i'd let you know that i like your cup

  9. I actautly liked that weird fake namek thing even thoug good even though i didn't know the refrance. :D Also 17 was really good, can't wait for 18

  10. Dude, your episodes are epic. My friends and I quote them quite often as we have nicknames from the show. My friend often uses the 'son of a whore' quite often. Accidentally said it in class and had the whole room erupt in laughter. Keep up the awesome work!

  11. lol you referred to Kuwabara as Yor :P but ya, Awesome job with everything, keep up the good work.

  12. can't say that part wasn't cool but the battle between Yom and Yusuke where Yusuke uses the Sacred Energy that was way more Badass. Regardless you serously make one of the best abrdged seres me watch (Computer problem). How may ask are you able to do Kuwabara's voce so well? just askng, keep up the good work look forward to next epsode.

  13. Every time you upload a new episode, somewhere in Ireland, someone is laughing because of you.

    Uh... in the good way.

    That makes it all worth the effort!


  14. dont ever stop making episodes

    your fans will always suport your work


  15. Kuwabara is the best. You are 100% correct.

  16. love ur work but i have to disagree the most badass moment in the show belongs to Yusuke when he shots his Spirit Gun into Jin's Tornado. it was also the most stupid moment in the show but badass and stupid are pretty interchangeable in my opinion :)


    God dammit. Shatter my hopes and dreams, why don't you. Bastard.

    <3 <3 <3

  18. Lani, lani, lani...Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged just makes me laugh every time. The jokes, the background music, and the voices are just...amazing. Sometimes I even have trouble telling the real Kuwabara from your own. Koenma's voice is just...beautiful in that funny-because-he-sounds-like-Shaggy kind of way. I can tell that you're really putting more effort into the series from the higher quality and the new title sequence. Even the fact that you're giving those short videos for your answers and your comments shows that you want your fans to know what you think and if something happened to prolong the release. Regardless if the videos are released more slowly or more quickly, keep doing what you're doing because I and many others really love this series. It makes my day and makes me laugh. Seriously...keep up the good work, okay? And know that whatever you're doing is good, really good.

  19. Just adding to the badass moments list: Yusuke vs. Chu. Knife-edge death match (episode 32).

  20. Kuwabara is pretty badass. 8)

  21. Lani you rule forever!!! You really sound like Kuwabara.And your really funny in your own way. I respect that. Don't ever stop keep on going. AND YES THAT WAS A BADASS MOMENT!!!
